Monday 24 March 2014

The process of Pinhole Camera

To make your pinhole camera you will need a metal coffee can  paint can or any metal can. It’s nice to make more than one camera because you can reload and develop film paper in batches in your dark room:

Other supplies you’ll need:

Wood Clothespin 

A few small sewing needles
 Cloth tape
A piece of black construction paper

Black Sharpie marker

Step 1: Using a scissors to cut the the top of can.(If u using a coffee can or other can got the cover just not need use the scissors to cut it)
Step 2: Create a “pinhole drill” to drill the smallest possible hole in your   can.  Here I’ve taken a small sewing needle and inserted it as shown into a clothespin (with about 3/8″ sticking out). It stays in place with  industrial glue (E3000) or super glue.  It will dull quickly so I recommend making more than one drill at a time
Step 3: Using a black marker to mark the point on the can.
Step 4:  Make it a cover using the scissors and black construction paper.

 Your pinhole camera is ready to go!

Now you can load the camera with B&W photo paper!  (I’m loading it in the light below so you can see it….but this must be done in the darkroom!) Take a piece of paper and place it into the camera as shown. The glossy side is the side that is light sensitive. Make sure that side is centered facing the pinhole.

After check it the pinhole camera, you can move out the paper and move your step into the dark room to put inside the photo paper(the pinhole photo paper cannot under light),but u want to cut it the size with your pinhole camera.

How to different the surface of the photo paper if is which want put inside front of the pinhole camera in the darkness???

U just use it your finger to feel it ,cause the photo paper got two surface.One face is ore soft.The face are the face put in front the hole.But if you also cant feel it got the other way,u just waste your finger and touch on the photo paper and you feel it the faces of the paper is sticky so is the surface put in front the hole.

5 mint during the evening

10 sec

15 sec 


Thursday 13 March 2014

The pinhole camera

The pinhole camera

A pinhole camera is a simple camera without a lens and with a single small aperture, a pinhole – effectively a lightproof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through this single point and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box.
Up to a certain point, the smaller the hole, the sharper the image, but the dimmer the projected image. Optimally, the size of the aperture should be 1/100 or less of the distance between it and the projected image.
Because a pinhole camera requires a lengthy exposure, its shutter may be manually operated, as with a flap made of lightproof material to cover and uncover the pinhole. Typical exposures range from 5 seconds to several hours.
A common use of the pinhole camera is to capture the movement of the sun over a long period of time. This type of photography is called solargraphy.
The image may be projected onto a translucent screen for real-time viewing (popular for observing solar eclipses; see also camera Obscura), or can expose photographic film or a charge coupled device (CCD). Pinhole cameras with CCDs are often used for surveillance because they are difficult to detect.
Pinhole devices provide safety for the eyes when viewing solar eclipses because the event is observed indirectly, the diminished intensity of the pinhole image being harmless compared with the full glare of the Sun itself.........